Philippe Schiepan appartient à la famille inclassable des créateurs multi facettes. Il a toujours suivi des intuitions précoces qui ont rendu son parcours éclectique, riche, foncièrement innovant, toujours en anticipation. Startupper avant l’heure dans les années 80 avec la première expérience française de télévision privée, entrepreneur de l’internet dans les années 90, scénographe de lieux innovants et digitaux dès les années 2000, portraitiste 3D et explorateur des « doubles digitaux » dans le cadre de sa collaboration avec le Groupe Galeries Lafayette, le fil qui relie ses réalisations est finalement assez évident : l’image, la lumière, l’espace et les représentations réelles ou virtuelles. Avec la création à Arles du Collatéral, un lieu spectaculaire de plus de 1 000 m2 dédié à l’hospitalité et à la créativité, distingué par le top 15 Amex Essentials des best art hôtels in the world et repéré parmi les 20 meilleurs mini hôtels dans le monde par AD Allemagne, il connaît une reconnaissance immédiate de son statut de designer et d’artiste. Désormais dédié à la création de lieux d’identité, il propose également une collection capsule de meubles créés in situ, ainsi que des pièces uniques d’éclairage. Parmi ses réalisations récentes : un food court et un hôtel à Paris, ou encore des œuvres lumineuses pour un hôtel particulier et une maison privée, signées par Le Bureau Schiepan, le studio de création qu’il dirige, par ailleurs propriétaire du Collatéral.

Philippe Schiepan belongs to a family that cannot be classified: that of multi-faceted creators. He has always followed precocious intuitions that have led him on a journey that is eclectic, rich, fundamentally innovative, and always in anticipation.
An early startuper in the 1980s, with the first experimental private television channel in France; an Internet entrepreneur in the 1990s; scenographer of innovative and digital spaces in the 2000s; 3D portraitist and explorer of “digital doubles” as part of a collaborative work with the Galeries Lafayette Group, the common thread among all these undertakings is actually quite obvious: image, light, space and real or virtual representations.
The creation of Le Collatéral in Arles — a spectacular 1,000 m2 space dedicated to hospitality and creativity, which was distinguished by the Amex Essentials Top 15 “best art hotels in the world” and selected as one of the 20 best mini-hotels in the world by AD Germany —, earned him immediate recognition as a designer and an artist.
He now dedicates his time to creating identity places; he also offers a capsule collection of furniture created in situ and available in bespoke edition, as well as unique lighting pieces. Some of his recent works include a food court and a hotel in Paris and a series of lighting artworks for an hôtel particulier and a private house, which were designed by Le Bureau Schiepan, his creative studio and the owner of Le Collatéral.
An early startuper in the 1980s, with the first experimental private television channel in France; an Internet entrepreneur in the 1990s; scenographer of innovative and digital spaces in the 2000s; 3D portraitist and explorer of “digital doubles” as part of a collaborative work with the Galeries Lafayette Group, the common thread among all these undertakings is actually quite obvious: image, light, space and real or virtual representations.
The creation of Le Collatéral in Arles — a spectacular 1,000 m2 space dedicated to hospitality and creativity, which was distinguished by the Amex Essentials Top 15 “best art hotels in the world” and selected as one of the 20 best mini-hotels in the world by AD Germany —, earned him immediate recognition as a designer and an artist.
He now dedicates his time to creating identity places; he also offers a capsule collection of furniture created in situ and available in bespoke edition, as well as unique lighting pieces. Some of his recent works include a food court and a hotel in Paris and a series of lighting artworks for an hôtel particulier and a private house, which were designed by Le Bureau Schiepan, his creative studio and the owner of Le Collatéral.